soms geeft iemand hoop af die je hebt ont-moet in Tuningen, Germany
dat het de schrijver was/is die Judas type tot "een ware Jesus" bestempelde weet ik ook;
dit alles in een wedloop naar voortschrijdend inzicht ...
( switching to the even more globalized language - that hides them Dutch :)
} een nadere focus hierop zou kunnen volgen; u kent de ver-eng-ing tijdens de ver-enig-ing {
a para-graph that breaks attention for words & lines may be this one ...
The thesis of God as the consequence rather than the cause of the Cosmos is not new. Intimations can be found in the philosophy of Aristotle. The 20th century British philosopher Samuel Alexander championed this view. The Jesuit theologian/philosopher Teilhard de Chardin presented the idiosyncratic view that God was both the cause and the consequence (the Alpha and Omega) of cosmic existence and evolution. He saw end of human history as pure consciousness merging with the Alpha God to create the Omega God. Modern German literature and philosophy is rife with human ambition to be Godlike.
zoom in on this vibration
The Jesuit theologian/philosopher Teilhard de Chardin presented the idiosyncratic view that God was both the cause and the consequence (the Alpha and Omega) of cosmic existence and evolution.i think YitzhaQ agrees on this obeservation rectifying a blooper:
the consequence (the Alpha and Omega) of evolution and cosmic existence
which is aligned to the definition
Alpha is Evolution
Omega is Cosmic Existence
analysis sets the crux on the cross as we are teached for so long:
- mega is the indication a bigger thing than humans over here govern
- Alpha is the word that begins and end on A; the pyramid / myth
- O is the character challenged by Q
- but then they breath on one another as ...
- 12 and 10 (15 &17 in the classiQ matriX)
- summed 22 (classiQ 32 => 5)
- but then is is 4 all the time
- fusing into a 5 when a contact is flamed in a relation engagement
Still, i did not start the thinking but something took my fingears playin' a piano keyboard ...
see u ( later again ) ,
i'll contact my friend as a free end ...
we shared this observation
( pretending shyness for some moments )
later the bridging friend came along with this lines ...
we shared this observation
( pretending shyness for some moments )
later the bridging friend came along with this lines ...
I have now republished:'The Politics of God' - Schonfield'The Passover Plot' - Schonfield'The Mondcivitan Writings' - Schonfield'This Man was Right' - Woodrow Wilson / Schonfield'Ohne Macht und Mandat' - Haller'The Beans and the Dreams Vol. 1 & 2 - Yours Truly.I am just working on 'Those Incredible Christians' by Schonfield and have started the research for a biography which the Schonfield family have asked me to do.I am still interested in your idea of alternative voting system and it would be good if you could write something clear on it for stupid people like me.