Thursday, April 8, 2010

even in het internationale engels: Quotations

Triaka is een relatie die op worldcitizen forum regelmatig beweegt ...

hier een cover van een quotation sessie ...


(1) "Human beings are created with Inherent, Intrinsic, Inborn, Ingrained, Innate, Instinctive, Intuitive and Inalienable Natural Rights of diverse Freewill, and until they are constitutionally balanced among all members of the one human family, there is no true Justice, Peace or Freedom."

(2) "To impose by physical force political systems on whole populations without constitutionally protecting diversity - as all governments do today - is to enslave and deprive them of their Natural Rights of Freewill."

(3) "For unity of the one human family, the Natural Rights of diverse Freewill of each member must be constitutionally protected."

(4) "No existing government on earth fully honors the Natural Rights of diverse Freewill of its population."

(5) "The world is no better than how each person is treated constitutionally."

(6) "The world has never seriously, sincerely or honestly tried out the dynamic idea of individual pre-eminence and balancing the diversity of Freewill (God created humans with diverse Freewill as well as the powers to learn from their mistakes)."

(7) "Every normal adult human being can be politically empowered equally in a society built on voluntary cooperation with a balance of naturally diverse Rights of Freewill."

(8) "As human beings freely choose to fully activate their Natural Rights of diverse Freewill, the CONSTITUTION of UNITED DIVERSITY is intended to balance power equally among them."

(9) "By the highest authority of Individual endorsement, the CONSTITUTION of UNITED DIVERSITY "superposes" and becomes superior to all other governmental constructs."

(10) "Under the CONSTITUTION of UNITED DIVERSITY any normal adult human being in the world who regards any activity as a present or potential violation of his/her Rights (Article I) is empowered to introduce evidence that may result in the termination or neutralization of such activity (Article IV)."

(11) "The CONSTITUTION of UNITED DIVERSITY offers equality in political power to each normal adult human. Compare this with democratic and representative forms of government which are highly corruptible and gross violators of the high principle of balance as they create `losers' in a majority vote."

(12) "The CONSTITUTION of UNITED DIVERSITY is a voluntary agreement among all normal adult humans everywhere to cooperate in settling differences that may arise among the eleven Natural Rights of Sovereign Freewill enumerated in Article 1."

(13) "The CONSTITUTION of UNITED DIVERSITY offers a world of peace and harmony, free of all `initiatory' physical force, coercion and bondage."

(14) "It is one thing to identify the naturally diverse rights of a persons Freewill (as in a `Bill of Rights') but better to explicitly protect them as provided by the CONSTITUTION of UNITED DIVERSITY."

(15) "By the dictionary definition of the word `terrorize', every existing government in the world is a terrorist organization by coercing and intimidating its population for support."

(16) "It is not a question of whether human beings will evolve to a higher, more mature level of interaction, as projected by the CONSTITUTION of UNITED DIVERSITY, its only a question of when."

(17) " No constitution, charter, or other governing structure is morally or ethically valid without the approval or knowing acquiescence of every normal adult human being who is able to discern right from wrong."

(18) "It is universal cosmic law that when we humans wish to improve material reality, we succeed to the extent that we intentionally focus our minds on co-creating heaven on earth."

Q ~ united diversity


"The world has never seriously,
sincerely or honestly tried out the dynamic idea of individual
pre-eminence and balancing free will" (God created humans with
freewill as well as the powers to learn from their mistakes, praise God).


This is a political liberation movement from universal
government force and bondage to universal Freewill and balance,
wherein lies equal political power for all participants
everywhere for the first time!

"The same passion for principles of freedom that
ignited the American and other revolutionary fires
feeds the flames for worldwide transformation."


WHEREAS We Members of the Human Family hold these
Truths to be self-evident,
that the world is no better than how each person
is treated constitutionally,
that Individual Humans are endowed with certain Inherent,
Intrinsic, Inborn, Ingrained,
Instinctive, Intuitive and Inalienable Natural Rights of
SOVEREIGN FREEWILL, that among these are Life, Liberty and
the Pursuit of Happiness free of coercion, and
until these are balanced among all members of the one human
family, there is no true Justice, Peace or Freedom, and

WHEREAS whenever any form of government fails to uphold
these Natural Rights, it shall be peacefully transformed to
be in harmony with this Natural Law, therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED that these Natural Rights of Sovereign
Freewill shall be Empowered, Protected, Balanced and
"superposed" over all existing earthly governments
in a system of Cooperative Governance as illustrated
by the "World Cooperative"

If you think the whole world should hear about this new form of government, radio
spot advertising may be a good start if the funds can be raised.

In the Spirit of Aloha, Triaka-Don Smith

wie in het Nederlands vertaalt kan zich melden met de oplossing ...
ook utrechtse studenten mogen zich hieraan wijden ...
zoals herman zonder twijfels meldt: dienaar ...

aan de wetenschEp ...
toY S'ace

integraal directeur stichting Waternet i.o. sedert 2001 in inter/nationale missie
met (onder)stromende partners
en Amsterdams motto:
"toon respect voor hen die werken aan de betere samenleving" (incl. positionele spelers in de markt)

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